Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Where the Dogs Are...

A relatively uneventful run this morning compared to yesterday. Found a tennis ball on the way home...found objects while running will be the theme of at least one other entire blog...but this one was just outside the drive where a dog lives. So in the spirit of the day, I kicked the ball back up the drive for him to find when he gets out.
Knowing where the dogs are is certainly a key for your normal everyday routes. I am fairly lucky that they are all nice and well behaved little critters. I do take care by running the far side of the street. Some are so well trained they just come out and get the paper (yes the newspaper, some people still get it and read it) and just head back to make the master happy.
I do not go to the extreme of carrying a biscuit or anything...
It is always an attention getter up on the trails. The people are walking cluelessly along and the dogs way out in front...sometimes the really cool owners will say something like "He won't bother you..." big relief.
Know Where the Dogs Are...

Monday, June 29, 2009

Angry Cat

Monday morning was gray with a hazy fog. I am cruising down to the river, with my head in the clouds and not seeing much of anything, when I came 'round the last big bend and was 20 meters from the river, maybe and heard a real loud angry growl. It sounded like a cat, for sure, but big and really pissed. I howled again and a third...maybe a fourth time. I was standing still in my tracks by this time. I had my little wimpy light on but it was not cutting through the gray. I thought I saw something just across the front of the bridge, but not sure. The more I think and replay the more I am thinking it was a bobcat, but still I understand one does not want to tangle with an angry bobcat. So being the sensitive and intelligent being that I am I decided that was where I would turnaround this morning.
Very cool, but it still makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck. Here kitty kitty...

Sunday Morning

Saturday morning was a short dark run as I had to be in SF by 7:30...so that meant hitting the trail at 4:30. But Sunday Morning broke clear and hot. After a cuppa joe and the paper with my lovely, I set out to High Meadow. It was a beautiful crystal clear blue sky day. Had to run fast as it was going to get too hot. After cresting and heading up to the Homestead Site I stopped for a moment of reflection inside what must have been the house. I had not seen anyone for sometime and felt ok to just breathe in the feelings from that space.
Headed down the Maple Canyon trail and passed a nice little ol' lady. I gave the usual "Mornin' How you doin'?" Greeting...she was sure happy to have someone by as she leaned on one of her Euro-style hiking poles, pointed up the hill with a grin, and said in a Germanic accented voice..."The devil makes me do it." It was cute...I hope he had some water for her at the top 'cause it was gettin' toasty.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Turkey Chicks

Is that what you call baby turkeys...on the way home this morning I looked up from staring at my shoes and saw some bird activity up ahead...but they were a funny size and funny movements...not crows, not hawks or birds of prey...there in the middle of the road was a turkey and several chicks...and as I stumbled and bumbled my way up three more chicks flew in from the side to gather with the clan.
Pretty cool to see...this being the end of June these "babies" were indeed chicks and in short for chickens...they are now easily as big as a good sized chicken with longer legs and can now fly pretty effectively. It was fun to see them and to see mom trying to get everyone together in a flock...she had a funny little call too. Not a full gobble, but more of a cluck. Just a short call as if to say, "Hey you kids get over here."
The whole fam went off into the brush and not very subtle at that, crashing and crushing leaves and twigs. I thought I made a lot of noise as I run...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dark already?

This morning though just days since the Summer Solstice, seemed pretty dark. I was struck by the weather map last night and the whole of the country is warm orange red and 100 degrees and we here on the coast are 55 in the morning and shrouded in coastal low clouds and fog and I am sure that added to the gloom. At any rate I needed to carry my little handful of tools. This I do most M-Fs as it is so early. I carry a little LED flashlight and a new powerful pepper spray. The light is to make myself seen if needed, (very rarely as I can see cars way before they can see me), to light the trail I have added, (less rarely but a real good thing to keep the ankle biters at bay), and to see what critter is about...deer, and ugh...skunks.
The pepper spray is cause my dear and lovely wife insists. There have been big cats in the area...though not in recent years and I am now venturing into the trail a bit, so I carry it in hopes I get a shot off if attacked. I asked the security professional if it works on mountain lions and he said anything with eyes and lungs...
It was a nice run...just a little dark after the nice light mornings recently past.

Y is Yoga

Ummm Yummy...on Tuesdays at our Corporate Office (CO) at noon we have a guest Yoga instructor...Wendy. She used to be paid for by the Health and Fitness Program, but now things being what they are, we the attendees pay for her...but oh so worth it. Wendy is a wonderful instructor. She is calm and holds the poses or Asanas longer and really focuses on breathing.
This week we had a guest...Vonnie, and she gave us a bit more of a workout.
Why am I discussing Yoga? It is just the best stretching method and a good hour long session does wonders for us tighty-whities...my legs are sooo tight.
I am a stretch after kind of guy. I am warm and things seem to work much better that way, but I am not a real limber fellow. My usual stretch routine includes a hodge podge amalgamation of runners stretches and warped yoga poses. It always feels good, but I have a hard time even touching my toes. As mentioned I have run a number of long runs, marathons and the relays and I get pretty sore by Tuesday after a Sunday event. This Yoga session is so well timed and works magic.
I got a new Yoga book this week too...Hatha Yoga Illustrated and will try to do more at home whether on the Wii, by tape, the book or just a couple poses.
This week was a real refresher and felt great. Y is for Yoga.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

But why Daddy?

This morning was a beautiful morn, and it seems summer has finally arrived on the Central Coast. It was warm and clear and breezy. The first couple days of summer were so cold due to the heavy marine layer...as the man said, " the coldest winter I ever spent, was a summer in San Francisco"..read Monterey Bay, but alas a very pleasant day to run.
We had a nice dinner party the other day,...Father's Day as a matter of fact..., and as is our wont talk turned to health and exercise. Some of the guests said they were starting to exercise again or needed to get back to it and lamented the fact that they sit at the computer to check out just one more Web site...and the window of opportunity to get up and stretch it out is gone...and that my dear friends is why I run first thing. Life happens during the day and oh so many things can get in the way or small items can become big enough excuses to inhibit one from gettin' out there.
I am often asked how and why and what is the toughest thing about doing it...running only on days that end in Y. But why Daddy? Many years ago in a galaxy far far away I was a single parent dealing with the trials and tribulations of life and needed to get some exercise for both my physical and mental health. As I had little ones at home and no money to speak of I needed something that would fit...and not impact the fam. So 5 am running it is...was...and shall always be running. It works so well on so many levels. The dinner guests all agreed that doing your exercise first thing in the morning makes an improved life. It is obviously good for the cardio-vascular, helps clean the pipes...for those of you that challenge yourself and are list makers, you get a big ol' check mark, sometimes before it is even light out. For those of you climbing some corporate or social ladder, it gives you a leg up on everyone...cause trust me there is very little competition on the track at that hour of the morning.
So what is the hardest thing about getting this done a 0'dark-thirty...? I always say the first step. Once you turn off the alarm, if you can just get one leg out of the bed you are on your way to a great run...

Monday, June 22, 2009

How long does it take for a muscle to get sore?

Hummm...remember the horse riding lesson? It was fun and the instructor said I did fine...I have only been on a horse a couple other times and none in this decade...well as many and most know, it is not just the horse that is getting a workout. After we were done we discussed how good it was for one's core muscles and you know it has to be good for those tender inner thighs...but this morning I found out one other little place that I did not think would be sore. I think it takes muscles 36-48 hours to get sore...what say thee? Agree?
While at the lesson we did a lot of posting...standing up in the saddle. The foot is in the stirrups on the ball of the feet and the heels are to be lower. So that position apparently really worked my high ankle, outside calf. Ummmm, yummy little soreness on this morning's run. The core and legs were fine otherwise but and interesting point to be sore.
Good day for a run and a fun way to exercise somethings that do not get it usually.

Running the Fiesta Trails

Finally, Sunday was a nice long run. Since I realized the Fiesta was coming up I have been hankerin' to run the course...so made me a little copy of the map and away I go. Right at the end of the M-F Run is where the tough part of the course starts so it was perfect. I have run most, if not all of these trails before but not in this order...so first up, and I mean that in every sense, was Garzas Creek Trail. A steep little bugger, that gets you to your target heart rate in a hurry. Then to Terrace Trail. I am thinking of the race and how all the bodies are going to handle these tracks. If there is such a thing as a technical--trail this is it. Up hill, and definitely a single track, cut into the side of a mountain, with steep drops to the right as you hug your way around and up.
Some steps cut in, and lots of switchbacks...even some guard cables...this tops out on Eastridge. Anything with ridge in the name let's you know there is vertical gain involved. Then it goes down into Redwood Canyon. Fabulous...towering redwoods (dah) and a stunning silence. This is what trail running is meant to be. Several foot bridges of various design are scattered about the trail and plenty of roots, rocks, reggae...depending on the tune in your head. Finally across the permanent bridge and guess what? Up another trail...this one called Garzas Canyon. Steep and winding and it will wilt those unsuspecting on August 1. At last on the top and around the Mesa to the water and had to go...so down and out to home. There is one more uphill in the race but just out of time...nice day for a run.

Ahhh...do you bruise easily?

Went for a shorty on Friday as it was an early departure for San Francisco...the big city. Good and productive day topped off with a great game at AT&T and the Giants win. Got to see the Big Unit...very impressive and sat right behind the plate...
Then Saturday had another nice but abbreviated run. Got to go on a horse riding lesson with my wife. More on what that does to one in a future blog post. So I went out on some of the surface roads that make a nice loop and I have not been on for a while...cruising along and got to the turn around of the loop and noticed a quaint old red chicken coop that had really become a hang-out for cats was gone...I am sure the fine folks that live there needed to upgrade and clean up a bit...but it was a nice little piece of country living, now replaced with the ubiquitous grapevines.
Not that there is anything wrong with a bit of the grape...so around I go and pass the biggest oak I know of. This is a beautiful specimen. Big round and full and looking really healthy. Very nice to see he is still there. I come down the run to the Valley road and was in my own little world and turn and head for home when what to my wondering eyes should appear...a runner passing me on the other side of the road...a girl runner...ouch. She was younger than I, and much thinner, and faster obviously, and as it turns out probably sprinting to finish her run which she completed in just a bit...while I trudged on dragging my soft, old, bruised ego along...stuffing healthy scoops of those juicy rationalizations into the skin of reason, I came to realize that is one of the challenges of running by one's self--you can get complacent or lethargic in your pacing...still a good run.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Here Comes the Sun...

Woke to a wonderfully clear morning with just a crescent moon and two morning stars...Venus and Mars I suspect and realized this will the the lightest early morning run I do this year. Tomorrow is a very early start so it will be in the dark...at 4:30 am and Saturday and Sunday will be mid-morning runs. Sunday is the Summer Solstice and so today is my Summer Solstice run. A great day it is to run too...clear as mentioned and I head out to see an object in the sky just above the ridge to the south southwest that looked like a star at first but traveled east for a bit and disappeared...musta been a plane but a nice sight.
Saw a doe on the way back up from the river and she just watched as I sauntered by...and then half way home saw a little prong-horned buck. Neither cared much that I was there and probably felt sorry for my poor form when they could have easily out run me.
Nice day...Here Comes the Sun...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

New Wrinkle in the M-F Routine

Ran up Garzas Canyon Trail today as a new wrinkle in the Monday to Friday routine. It is about at the end of the outward bound trail and goes up on a rough, rocky, and rooted trail. It is doable at this time of year 'cause it is light enough to see the ankle biters. I run that trail from time to time during daylight runs, but have not been up there in a while. There is a new dedicated bench there looking back north toward the house and a nice panoramic view of the other side of the river valley...a side I do not usually see. Those dedication benches are a nice touch and useful mostly for the hikers in the park. A couple weeks ago I ran across one in particular I was looking for...the one dedicated to Mel and Elizabeth Grimes. A tragic local story of a couple that was pretty involved in the running community. That story can be discussed another day...it was a nice memorial though.
Felt great to add a new wrinkle to a regular route...and good sights...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

...That Song in Head

You ever wake up and go running and there is a song stuck in your head? As mentioned I run commando...that is no iPod and carry as little as possible. So this morning I got Gimme Three Steps by Lynyrd Skynyrd stuck in my head...why one might ask...? I think I heard it live by a band on Sunday and it must have taken a couple days to digest? It is a snappy little ditty and certainly a good tune to run to if you like that ilk, and I do, but and interesting sound track to the day. Maybe it takes a couple days to make it through all the noise in my little pea brain.
The other day it was Watching the Detectives by Elvis Costello. My favorite Elvis song to date, no doubt, but again an interesting sound track to a run. Great lyrics in that song..."she's filing her nails while their dragging the lake.." Funny little minor chords and all together a great though not hugely popular song from long ago. He is an interesting cat and I like him in Spectical with Elvis Costello on cable...interesting guests, including his lovely wife Diana Krall. Seems he knows his stuff as far as music is concerned. I have read some fair reviews of his new one and should try to pick it up.
Beautiful morning to run...ran past a couple different cats out doing a dawn hunt. Do not usually see many cats on this M-F route...I must have been particularly stealthy this morning...yeah right.
As I turn at the top of the big hill at the end to head home the sun must have just come up and touched the top of the far ridge and set it ablaze with fiery red and orange to light the mist on there. Shocking beautiful finish...to a great day for a run.

Monday, June 15, 2009

New Race Carmel Valley on August 1, 2009



Sunday morning I went on one of my favorite routes...it was flag day so as I traipsed through the neighborhood I saw some nice flag and flower displays and then up the back entrance to the park and trail running. It is a pretty steep climb up and up to what I call High Meadow...running alone as far as I know which is nice especially on a Sunday when the park can get crowded. As I was moving along on through the flat grassy meadow I thought I heard someone running up behind me...I kept me pace and was expecting to get passed...I am sure I heard footsteps behind and was just about to the pond, so again kept the pace. I got to the pond and jogged in place to check the water level and looked back to see who was there and lo and behold I was all by myself...a Solitary runner on a beautiful Sunday morning...maybe it was the ghost of a Native American soul that continues to run High Meadow and wanted to run along...or maybe just me kicking up some dust rustling off the dry grasses of the meadow. After the pond there is a water fountain and place to water horses. Perfect location after a long pull up hill and got a nice cool drink.
I continue along, again solo which is unusual for the day and a location...not even hikers or dog walkers...on to Mesa Trail and up to Maple Canyon, past that little pond and all the way to the Homestead Site before I see anyone. A real nice Sunday morning run. The Homestead Site is kind of neat...something from the mid-1800s and all that is left is a piece of the brick chimney and some steps. Must have been a wonderful place when built, but man what a chore to get all that stuff up there by horse and wagon.
Down Maple Canyon is just fabulous. I generally run with just some sunglasses on...not even scripts...just plain old shades, and those have to go up on the head as the overhanging trees shade the root bound trail so well and the sun creates a great camouflage dapple that the unsuspecting trail runner will get tripped up before you can say Bob's your uncle. More than once my friend more than once have I gone down...once while running the Pacific Coast Trail run last year. Note to self...look them up and see when they are coming back this year.
Out the end of the canyon and around the Boranda Rancho loop...through the visitors center and home along the road. Gosh that is a nice run...
Monday felt a little stiff and slow as I had done some good work and distance on the Sunday run, and got to walk a round of golf too...but a good day to run just the same.

Misty Mountain Hop

Friday morning was a quick and early run--at 4;30 am as I had to be at work early. Nice to run in the dark again...seems less painful if one has to run so early, that it is dark and cocoon like some how.
Saturday was also not too long, but a nice challenge up Tank Hill. We have been experiencing some unusually humid weather here this year and Saturday morning was particularly misty and moist. The spiderwebs on the ground level were like little saucers full of milk...beautiful little dishes on the ice plants and scattered about the yards and fields. It was so warm and muggy that as I got to the top I was really sweating...the climb up was a great visual with the mist resting in the valleys and hiding in front of and behind the ridge tops...made for a great Misty Mountain Hop.
As I crested and came down the goat trail the brush was really damp and I am bushwhacking my way down, cleaning all the dew and pollen of the bushes...my plain ol' gray sweats were paint light green and soaking wet. The spiderwebs hung vertically along the path that are usually invisible to the eye of the enthusiastic trail runner, were glistening like church windows. Really nice sights on a Misty Mountain Hop.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Must Have Been a Good Day for Fishin'

Got in a bonus one hour bike ride yesterday. Went to a green building seminar and had the opportunity to ride my bike there...appropriate I thought. Biking is of course a great workout alternative...low impact, good cardio...especially if you are riding a Sherman Tank like I am. I do not look Lance-like that is for certain.
Jogging along this morning as I crossed the river bridge I looked down stream....to my right and though it was not "the crack of dawn" yet, there was in fact "day light in the swamp," (cute little colloquialisms my Father used to roust us to go fishing or hunting as kids and still today, but that is for a whole 'nother blog)...so any way the dull gray light of the morning and there in the middle of the river was a beautiful silhouette of a great blue heron against the rippling river. It must have been a great day for fishing...he sure looked good.
Ya shoulda seen it.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Trash Day

Wednesday is Trash Day in the 'hood...I live in a residential area with quiet streets so I can just run down the middle on the 5 am M-F runs...and oh so stealthy...coughin, spittin, sneezin' and wheezin'...but my running style will be the topic of a future blog...when the trash cans (and recycle) are all out you can run up on some interesting things. Usually by the time I am going the scavengers are all done...usually...we are country-fied enough to have fox and raccoons, not a lot of loose dogs, and of course, the bain of our running existence--skunks. No wildlife today though...just a little warm and muggy and I had sleeves on so got plenty sweaty.

Only one can was knocked over...

The horses that are stabled down by the river and the trail were real active this morning...running and making lots of horsey noise...but I could not see anything to disturb...

Running back up the hill on Trash Day sometimes there is a chance to pay it forward a little, by picking up the flattened can or bottle I have run by for a week and depositing in the recycle cans that are out along the way...nobody cares...but just like running it feels good...Trash Day ends in y...it must be a good day to run.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Spirit of the River

It was a nondescript Tuesday, covered in gray coastal fog and a running I go until I got to the river. It is not a major river, and will sometimes when we do not get a lot of rain, run dry by the end of the year, but I was really taken by the Spirit of the River this morning. It happens frequently when I cross the river. It runs clear and fairly unimpeded in the areas I run. A babbling brook really, but a host of spirituality ...magic I suppose, not to get to maudlin. Running across the bridge this morning the air was clear, the water was splashing over the rocks as it races toward the ocean...and wham...the thing just hit me. Some times as I cross I will run with open arms to engage the Spirit of the River...to embrace the magic that is there. I am sure there is some Lakota or Ohlone Tribal lore associated with the river...but for me just a great and good feeling as I run over or along its course.
I often wonder and imagine what the river and the surrounding area was like 100 or 150 years ago. Not undiscovered certainly, but wild. Steelhead still run this river on big water years. There is still wildlife a plenty in the area, but my how wonderful it must have been. Nothing too overwhelming from nature...the temperate climate easy to deal with. Resources were plentiful I am sure...seems like it would have been and easy place to settle.

The Spirit of the River made it a great day for running.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Full Moon

This morning's run started with a great view of the big ol' full moon hanging above the ridge line. What a fabulous sight. Golden and full, dodging in and out of the line of fog. It is the kind of thing that you look around and see who you can share it with and find it was just for you. Feel guilty sometimes in that it seems selfish to be the only one seeing it.
But wonderful, wonderful. Made for a nice morning run.

Hill Country Running

Saturday morning was a relatively short run as I had to work, so I went up the hill behind the house...I affectionately call Tank Hill as there is a big water tank at the top. As I am making my way up the canyon I think of how much the area reminds me of the Texas Hill County. I went to university at UT in Austin, lo though many years ago, and was not running nearly what I run now, but the rolling golden hills studded with oaks feel very familiar.
As I was nearing the top I came 'round a bend and saw a doe and her fawn...get to the top, savor the view...even a peek a boo view of the ocean from up there...and down we go...down a goat trail that has not be traversed by anyone or anything in some time...how do I know...I hit a bunch of spiderwebs, invisible to me 'til I hit 'em, on the way. Ever do the spiderweb dance? It is hilarious and usually no one there to laugh at you, but you know what it is like...running along with your mind in the clouds and really enjoying the trail run and bam...right through the web and you start wiggling and gyrating like your pants are on fire. So funny...you look around to see if someone is watching...finish the run down a fire trail and then down the road to home.

Sunday morning's run was longer and later. My wife and I are of the demographic that still likes to sit in bed and read a real newspaper. She enjoys a cuppa and I usually go decaf or herb tea. So a mid-morning jaunt was in the offing after. I went up to Robles del Rio an area I used to live and again up a pretty good sized hill. After the crest I come down a back road that must be a fire road. Then into a road that runs next to a creek. I was struck by the smell of Sunday morning breakfast. It is interesting how heightened ones senses become into a long run. The first house was have pancakes and bacon...yummm...the next one a ways down the road was having something savory, maybe a veggie omelet or some such. I think I got a whiff of steak and eggs later, and oh BTW I must be hungry by now , ya think? So I get up to the village and can smell the restaurants starting brunch I guess, and their oak grills going...gotta get home and get something to eat...something yummy....that ends in y and those are good days to run.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Rainy day ends in y

Just a little rain...don't worry sugar--you won't melt. Just a little rainy this morning, which is a real treat for us on the coast. We usually do not see any rain again until October. As I started out this morning I saw an owl on a wire. Very cool silhouette against the cool gray sky. The rain made things quiet and the air seemed cleaner...the trail was not dusty and felt nice and soft.
As I run the weekday mornings I generally travel down on roads and then get on a trail for just a bit in the back of a regional park. Nice little route. I end with several hills, one of which is pretty steep.
Generally I do not get rained out. Sometimes in the early spring on long training runs I can get wet, but not too much where I live. I have done several long training runs, 20-ish, while on vacations in Hawaii, and if you are outside much on the islands you will get rained on. The rain just comes in and wets everything down and goes away leaving all those wonderful rainbows. It is great to experience the different climates while running new locals.
Great day for a run...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Dawn Chorus

Good morning runners. With the changing of the seasons, summer coming I was really struck by the Dawn Chorus today. It was a clear morning, a few whispy clouds, and cool as it is frequently on the coast and I really notice the birds singing this morning. As I tottered on I paid more attention to them, and certainly as the sky lightens the chorus rises in crescendo. I am not a birder...but I know what I like...kidding--just the birds are one big reason I do nor run with an iPod. It was great to traverse the different micro-clims and hear the sounds change. I can here the crows of course, we have lots of those, and the jays, but also the doves and quail. As I get closer to the river and some of the more open home sites the rosters start to crow...and the ducks will make some noise from time to time, most often just landing in the river. Occasionally a flock of geese will be following the river course and they are a sight ...honking encouragement, not unlike runners in a race. Seems they are saying, " come on dude...you look great...and not that much more to go..." maybe they are lying just like the things you hear after mile 21 of a marathon. Hah...
Coming back up to the house and running the last four hills the Chorus is stereophonic one side of the canyon answering the other...nice run with the Dawn Chorus this morning.
Running only on days ending in y.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

National Running Day

Running every day feels good, but today is National Running Day--a fun day to talk with people you come in contact with about running. I even wore my running shoes to work...it got a few "what up's?" Seems like a good day to start a running blog. Feel free to discuss all things running. I am a sports fan and like to exercise...running just happens to fit the lifestyle and home life best.
Went at 5 am as usual today...I live on the Central Coast of California, and we usually have a very temperate climate...today however we have had some unusual weather...a little humid with some big clouds and some moisture, so this morning's run felt different. A little weird, like running in the Midwest or east coast during the summer.
Wonderful mist on the hill tops and as always thoughts of who else might be out enjoying the sights, sounds, and smells at that hour.
It is so nice to be running in the dawn. Seems lighter this year for some reason. Maybe being a recent empty-nester I am up and out just a bit later...minutes after 5 am during the week, than I was when there were kids to wake, breakfast to cook, and lunches to make.
Looking forward to blogging with you...and see you running only on days ending in y.